Q: How do you combat rosacea outbreaks and what's your secret for covering them?

One of the most annoying things about rosacea is this:  It's. Always. There. Flaring up at the most inconvenient times. Masquerading as adult acne. Making cheeks look nervous or angry.` "It's what I deal with every day!" says Gucci, whose symptoms showed up while she was pregnant with her youngest daughter, Petal. A subsequent deep dive into the chronic condition and countless visits with her dermatologist and she's finally got a program that works for her in place. "Well, sometimes," she says. There's no perfect solution, with the best strategy focusing on prevention, but here's what she's learned so far:

If your rosacea is moderate to extreme, light-based treatments at a derm's office can target blood vessels and bumps, while laser resurfacing reduces thickening of the skin—and prescription medication may be necessary. But in many cases, daily sunscreen goes a long way in stopping UV-induced aggravation. Gucci finds gentle balancing facials with lymphatic drainage helpful for maintaining the integrity of the skin and refining enlarged pores. Avoiding triggers is also key: alcohol, sun exposure, spicy foods, temperature extremes, and hot drinks like coffee are all on the potential 'no' list.

What's less commonly known is that makeup can also spark flushing, starting with products that contain menthol, camphor, and sodium lauryl sulfate. Searching for brands that are made with sensitivity in mind and scanning labels carefully is step one. To find a foundation she knew she could trust, Gucci created Vital Skin foundation for herself using only innovative clean ingredients and nurturing actives that would calm redness and improve skin over time.  And then there's the application. She likes to use a foundation or spot treatment brush over flushed areas like the nose and cheeks; the gentle touch of the bristles is that much less irritating and it reaches corners around the nose and eyes for more precision and seamless layering.  

Watch as she breaks down her technique in this week's installment of "Ask Gucci."

For more of Gucci's rosacea skincare and makeup tricks, watch her evening bedtime routine and morning camouflage tutorial, plus her favorite face masking ritual!

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